Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Post #5 : e-PJJ

e-PJJ stands for elektronik pengajian jarak jauh or in English, it is simply part time studying. Well, I'm doing my degree in e-PJJ mode. The students in this mode are allowed to take 4 subject maximum per semester, and it would take up to 5 years to complete the degree course. It may be a long period but usually those who take e-PJJ are working folks.

Since I've got fired because of my cancer, I was thinking to go to full time mode. I just can't concentrate in the e-PJJ mode. Plus, my classmates isn't very close to me. I know I'm not open and it is not my style to go ho ha here and there. I didn't even have their facebook. I practically have to begged one of them to add me at facebook. Seriously, I begged! And recently I found out that they have a course group at facebook. And all this while they never bother to mention anything to me.

Lucky me, since I found the group by chance! I would have miss a lot of thing if I didn't found the group in time. When I say I'm going full time mode, none of them really care. True, since we're not close, why would they care? Hahaha!! Anyway, After the final exam, I'm hoping to change my status from part time student to full time student. And I'm hoping to do my full time student at UiTM Kedah. I rather die if I have to do it in UiTM Puncak Perdana. Why? Because that's the place where I'm taking my part time class. I don't even want to see the lecturers!

If you anyone want to do e-PJJ study, advise them to be strong will and patient. They will face so much crap from the students, lecturers and management.

Well, thank you for reading my rambling. Hahaha

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