
Name : Ahmad Zulhilmi (however, call me Zul. Only that. Ahmad is acceptable but its kind of awkward)

Date of Birth : 22nd January

Study : Part time student of Information Management Degree [3rd semester]

Occupation : Jobless, because of my cancer.

Cancer info : Had nasopharyngeal cancer. Had 35 round of radiotherapy and 5 round of chemotherapy.

Dream : To get my old life back, back before my cancer treatment. A dream that will stay as a dream ;)

Desire : To improve myself, in all expect.

Want I really really want to do : To leave this house, this town, this life behind and start over somewhere far away.

What I've learn from cancer : Family (not father and mother) is the biggest bullshit in the human relationship. You will know who actually care for you and the one who pretended to.

Current dilemma 

22 June 2012
Lately, I hate staying home. I hate this city even more. Sometime I couldn't even stand my parents. Why is this feeling so strong? I just couldn't understand this. I really don't. And now since I'm jobless, I've been staying inside the house from morning until night and the cycle seems endless! Was the feeling of being a useless human being contribute to this? Does having cancer contribute to this? I really don't know why I have such feeling..I do know something though, when Ammar was staying here I was cheerful. That feeling when you see your friend for the first time after a long time, although it was short, I will always treasure it...

19 October 2012
I'm in my 3rd semester of my degree study. My previous feeling of negativity seems to disappeared now, Alhamdulillah. I will study hard for this semester since my request to go full time study have been denied. Still jobless however this give me the opportunity to follow my father to the gym almost daily. I've been thinking, cancer have taken control of my life at some point. Now, it's my turn to take control of my life! Alhamdulillah, I've been feeling better! Well, still need money and I desperately need a job, but I need to focus on my gym routine at least for another 5 month! This dilemma is hard to solve, unless I invest in a business and receive monthly payment.

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