The power of the force! Now I know how people can be easily influenced or defeated in Star Wars...the force is such a strong stuff! Even stronger if it come from your own mother! -___-"
She was saying that I should probably start the 4 feet aquarium faster, in fear of the canister filter will ruin if being left off for so long. Although there are some truth in her words, but I know she can't wait for her favourite fish, the Angelfish! Previously, had one Angelfish, but it was shy, maybe due to I'm a noob fish keeper or the aquarium environment itself. But it died after almost one year staying with us.
So, today I've filled up the 4 feet aquarium with water and begin the cycling would take weeks for the eheim canister to be cycled but I'll wait for about a week before adding the sand (still debating what kind of sand or should I use soil) and the another week before adding the fish. Alhamdulillah, I have 2 DIY filter running in current aquarium so I would be able to transfer them and jump start my aquarium! Yay!!!!
Top left - Marble Angelfish || Top right - Koi Angelfish || Bottom - Platinum Angelfish |
-For substrate, I think it would be the silica sand
-For the plants, I think I would put Echinodorus quadricostatus, Echinodorus amazonicus,Anubias barteri, and Java Fern. Do google those terms if you want further information.
-For the fish, I have two situation.
If I get two Angelfish - 7 Congo Tetra, A Dwarf Gourami, 6 Corydoras, and a German Blue Ram
If I get four Angelfish - 5 Rainbow Fish, 6 Corydoras, 15 Rummynose Tetra
However, these setup is not final..but I do know that I will add the Angelfish last.
I would love to keep more, but the space will be limited, unless I get a 8 feet aquarium! Hahaha
bela ikan pulak, nanti boleh la dia kawan dengan kucing zul..hahaha