Thursday, 1 November 2012

Post #30 : New Member! [again]

So, I've added another 10 Tiger Barb to the existing school! The aquarium now really look alive with colours and activities! I love it!

As I mention earlier, I wanted to add the albino Tiger Barb. At the fish store I also came across the Jade Tiger Barb which I thought look beautiful with the other Tiger Barb!

Yellow Tiger Barb
I couldn't find picture for the Jade Tiger Barb. If I manage to capture the picture of them in my aquarium, I'll post it here for sure! The Jade Tiger Barb colour look like the Green Tiger Barb but the colour is so so light, totally different then the others.

Alhamdulillah, the look amazing in that aquarium. I have now 3 DIY filter in that aquarium powered by two air pump. Of course, two of it are for the bigger aquarium I am yet to setup, just cultivating the good bacteria so that I can jump start the big aquarium without going to the cycling process. Hehe..

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